Tuesday, August 31, 2010

my sisters recent experience with gangstalking

Several months ago i mentioned in my previous blog that my sister is also being gang-stalked as a result of me being gang-stalked and her being my sister.

A few months ago my sister told me about her most recent experiences and things have gotten worse for her.Virtually all her friends have turned on her and act real funny around her(Obviously they got paid a visit by them and they told lies about my sister)

My sister told me that alot of places where she goes people treat her like crap.Her neighbors act funny towards her including spying her.People throw dirt and garbage on her yard.People stalk and watch her,A couple of months ago she got into a bad accident and she feels that the guy hit her on purpose and that it was planned.When she went to try to get her car fixed the Mechanic did`nt even fix it and was acting like he was trying to fix it.Also Her phone keeps messing up.

She lives in a apartment owned by my parents and the other Apartment upstairs was being rented by someone else. The Person my mother was renting to left and had some pretty dum excuse.She claimed somebody threw brick at her car window and that`s the reason she claimed she left.And my mother said she was acting suspicious.

Every-time she finds somebody that likes the Vacant apartment and is intersted in renting later they say "they changed their mind".

I and my sis suspect that they are telling people not to rent the apartment.

My sister asked me if i could give her Alex Jones number so she can contact him and tell him about her story, I told her that i tried Alex Jones and it did nothing and that he did`nt let me finish what i was saying.I also told her that i felt that Alex Jones is a Fraud and i think he works for the very same people he claims he`s fighting.One of the reasons i suspect this is because William Cooper did shows numerous times exposing Alex Jones lies.

Another reason i believe he works for them is the fact that the Network he`s on which is
GCN is a ABC Affiliate and ABC is own by the Illuminati.Check out this link:


And here`s a very interesting link of a William Cooper show that he did about Alex Jones:


Their are many other reasons i believe he works for the very same people he claims he`s fighting.

My sister told me she thought about committing suicide but she said the reason she has`nt is because her kids.I felt really bad when she said that.I told her to stay strong,and that they want her to commit suicide.

The latest on me is September 1st i`m taking a one week trip to Venezuela with some of the money i saved that i saved that my parents gave me.I`m sure they gonna stalk me there also.I`m taking Caribbean Airlines their.I`m gonna tell ya`ll about my experiences there in a future post.

I hope you all have a great week.And also if you hav`nt already please read my first blog so you could have a greater understanding of this one.Thank You.

Name:Harold Petit-frere phone number:347-365-9356

1 comment:

  1. i sure believe her
    I am a victim as well
    she must stay strong
    email me
